Greetings all,
I have been watching this board from a distance but have finally decided to take the plunge. I really appreciate all of the responses that I have seen over the months that I have been following you all. I was diagnosed with UC in 2001 and certainly have had life altering issues, but for the most part was able to get by with proper planning (spontaneity went out the window for sure). Anyway, about two months ago I started a flare that has really been giving me some serious fits. Generally I don't eat all day because that is the only thing that will allow me to get through work on a daily basis. I come home, take the kids to practice and then try to eat around 9. It has been tough but allows me some piece of mind during the day. This is by far the worst flare up I have had in 10 years. My question to you all is this: does anyone use Dipentum anymore? I read these threads and rarely (if ever) remember hearing Dipentum! My doctor tells me it is stress and I need to exercise more. He doesn't get it and I have made an appt (for the first time) with a local GI (the same one that has performed my scopes). I have been on this Dipentum 1,000 mg per day for pretty much 10 years now and it decided it didn't want to work for me any longer. Is this a completely outdated medication or is anyone taking it?