I started Remicade a little while ago and experienced the delayed allergic reaction (4 days later) to the treatment where I had excruciating muscle and joint pain, sometimes to the point where I could barely get up out of bed. This lasts anywhere from 1 - 1.5 weeks at a time after each infusion. My doctor then had me ween off of my prednisone completely so that we could sort out the side effects. The second I went off of the prednisone, the bleeding returned as well as an increase in the frequency of having to go to the washroom. It basically feels as if I am a couple days away from being back in the hospital with a horrible flare-up.
My doctor is telling me that the only option I have left is surgery but I don't know if I really believe him. I have heard about Humira and was curious about that. I have already tried asacol and mezavant. I am just wondering what has helped others and, most importantly, are they happy with the treatment? I am also interested in hearing from anyone who has had surgery to remove their bowel and your experience with that. Any info and suggestions would be great, thanks!