AM sorry you're suffering from this. I'm not much help, but am in a similar situation. I had UC when I was 15 and had the surgeries to remove my colon (i.e. jpouch). Thus, I no longer have UC but am at constant risk for pouchits. I am (almost) 39.
Since my UC I've been suffering from sacroiliitis and now the area between my shoulder and elbow really hurts. My rheumatologist said it's probaby tenditinis, but we didn't discuss it much further except to take my celebrex. It does help but because of my stomach, I don't like to take it more than a few days in a row. The other night, the pain was excrutiating at night and it was quite painful to get dressed, use my hairdryer, lift my toddler, etc. Am also interested in alternative. A few people have mentioned a cortisone shot, but am not sure if that's ok for us with stomach issues.