beeswax said...
Does your professor have an attendance policy stated in the syllabus? I taught for 9 years as a college professor and I only allowed 3 absences (excused or unexcused), after that your final grade dropped one letter grade for each absence. The college also had a policy, only 6 absences and then you could be administratively dropped from the course. I think you are probably trying to do too little too late at this point. Do you have an Academic Dean? You might talk to them. This is the type of thing you should take care of at the beginning of the semester, not the end. I agree with looking into Disability Services but it may be too late for this semester. You have to be proactive.
I taught while having some fairly major flares. It is tough standing in front of the class while you are in pain, etc. and pretending like everything is fine. If you are sick enough that you are missing lots of classes then you should see your GI. Is it a morning class? You may want to try to schedule classes during times during the day when you are feeling better. I know that is not always possible.
Also, It is always good to let your professor know that something is going on. If I had a student who was missing classes and they never talked to me about it then I would assume they did not care... It is always good to keep the lines of communication open.
Hope you feel better soon!
No attendance policy stated on the syllabus. I agree, it might be too late. If I would have know there was disability service at school, I would have registered for it a long time ago.
I agree, it is really tough acting like everything is fine. I am the type of student who doesnt like to participate much in class while having a flare because once all eyes are on me, I get nervous and feel like my intestines are twisting(most likely IBS). I like having classes in the morning. I usually dont eat or just have a banana in the morning and I dont get too many symptoms during class.
Do you think that sending her an e-mail about
it will be fine?