BabeintheWoods said...
As a federal worker I am no stranger to this, welcome to the club. When the government allows preferences for hiring and college admissions for women and each of the minorities, everyone but white males, then they are in indirectly discriminating against white males.
I agree. The laws are outdated. A company/department can be all Chinese FOBs (fresh-off-the-boat), all Philippine FOBs, all Indian FOBs, all whatever FOBs. Everyone seems to be protected except for the all, mostly white, American 3rd, 4th, etc generations. I'm not sure where the non-white 3rd, 4th, 5th generation Americans fit in all of this except to say that something is wrong when a country will protect foreigners and not its own countrymen and women. I think Americans might not be speaking out enough due to past discrimination against non-whites and foreigners, especially given that their ancestors at one time emigrated to the US. But we do need to speak out about
reverse discrimination because discrimination is discrimination. It doesn't matter if it is discrimination against a non-white, foreign female or a white, American male.