1. Age: 21
2. Age Diagnosed with UC: 20
3. Hair color: Brown
4. Eye color: Brown
5. Do/did either of your parents suffer from UC or another IBD?: No
6. Do/did any of your siblings suffer from UC or another IBD?: No
7. Do you have any other auto-immune diseases: Yes
8. What are they: Asthma
9. If you have another auto-immune disease, which of them came first?: Asthma, baby. Mother smoked while carrying me (couldn't stop because it'd put me in shock), and smoked in the house while I was a child but stopped when i got sick.
10. Which auto-immune disease is the most severe: UC. I rarely get an attack.
11. What do you think caused your disease?: My first year of college I was travelling on two buses to get there. Symptoms first started showing in February after months of getting sick. For two years prior to going to college, I never got sick. I was put on a strong antibiotic to fight off a nasty sinus infection. I've been on several antibiotics throughout my life. Possible cause, I truly believe it.
Gotta tell you guys that I love you for asking what the doctors won't. Made my day.