I'mCured said...
Thanks for the supportive response! I am prepared to take a lot of heat for my ideology on the subject but it is nothing I haven't heard already from friends, family, and doctors alike. My diet now consists of only food that I can understand its origin. Mostly organic, lots of raw fruits and vegetables, lean means, nuts, seeds, and hearty grainy bread occasionally. Honestly I have never been healthier. That being said, for you right now I'd advise the aloe despite your concern, taking lots and lots of high quality refrigerator kept probiotics, and make your meals consist of mostly cooked carrots, potatoes, squash, scrambled eggs, and bananas. Drink fresh fruit and vegetable drinks. Stay away from all breads, dairy, and meats. I know this sounds very restrictive but I promise a week or two of this and you will notice positive changes. Keep me posted!
You say above you eat lean meats, but then you say do not eat any meats at all. I'm confused.
Also, I really think that with regard to foods, what works for one may not work for another. I cannot eat certain fruits or vegetables.