Hi all!
Just wanted to share my most recent UC experience:
My daughter won a school competition, and her team was invited to compete at global finals (she competes in Destination ImagiNation www.idodi.org, super cool, check it out if you have a chance). The competition is massive, with 18 thousand people attending. Since it's so big, we were told we'd have to SHARE ROOMS with the rest of the people on the team. This meant sharing a hotel room with total strangers.
After deliberating whether to go or not, I decided to trust God that things would work out somehow, and not deprive my daughter of this privilege because of this awful disease.
We traveled to Tennessee where my worst fears was confirmed: we'd have to share a room with another girl and her mother, attend convention centers, ride buses, stand in long lines, and have lunch at parks (with port-a-potties). UGH!! I'm not gonna lie: it was not piece of cake: I would wake up real early every day to use the toilet at my discretion, and be down in the lobby for the subsequent morning BM's, had to rush to the john when not convenient, and use the port-a-potties.
It's not like my body gave me a break, but I'm so proud that I DID NOT LET THIS DISEASE DECIDE FOR ME. I worked with it out as best as I could.
We didn't win, but placed really well for being our first time at global finals. However, more than anything I came back with hope for planning and doing more things in the future.
Thanks for reading!