dgtracy said...
college are you still in remission? and is it from humira or that diet you went on?
Yep, I'm still in remission. I'd say, I wasn't in the best remission state just from the diet.
It's not related to any specific diet since I'm getting a lot of Carbs from potatoes/rice and eating proteins too.
I'm just avoiding flour based products as much as possible.
Humira gave me the boost reach the better remission state. Also, the LDN, too. You can check out my Humira + LDN update thread.
I plan on staying on this diet b/c I notice the biggest gains from it this diet for bodybuilding and receive the most benefit for my symptoms. Rice bulks up the stool for me.
I'm ingesting a lot of Carbs + Proteins + good fat(but a lot of eggs) that I can digest.
Even though flour based food have very similar carbs as rice based food in terms of its chemical structures and components, I seem to digest rice without any problems and with no consequential symptoms.