Thanks to everyone who responded. I've been meaning to post my story about
UC and IVIG because people don't know that IVIG can help if not put you into immediate remission and I hope I am "cured." Long story short I was dying of Pyoderma Gangrenosum a severe flesh eating disease that almost took both my legs. PG is caused by UC. My UC was uncontrolled basically since I got it in 2000. Was on SCD, remicade, immuran, blah, blah, blah and the list went on and on. I was only working very part time running my own Art Therapy business but wasn't making ends meet and my anxiety was constant. No socializing and lots of lying to people. A mark appeared on my leg in 2007 and within days I was in hospital with a 17 cm
open wound. I cannot describe how painful it was. It spread to my right knee. I was in the hospital for 2 years with no treatment working. I also had colitis flares which was horrible considering I couldn't walk. Anyway a very savvy, young med intern did some research and found that IVIG was used in rare cases to cure PG. Within 2 weeks my wounds started closing and within 6 months they had closed!! I started to walk again, no more painful bandage changes, by brain became clear because I was off all pain meds ( I was on everything including morphine patches, injections, percocets etc) I don't think they were worried about
overdosing because it is an excruciatingly painful disease. What I noticed was that IVIG put my colitis in remission. I went 6 months without a flare, I time daily, no urgency. For the first time in 10 years I was normal, like everyone else (except I walked with a cane and have horrendous scars on my legs!)
IVIB is introvenous immunoglobulin. The theory is that since UC causes PG, what cures one, cures the other. Basically it's antibodies. My body (and those with autoimmune diseases) doesn't produce antibodies to fight disease. So if the antibodies are given to me they will fight my disease and prevent new ones, like MS which IBDer's are also prone too. It's made from 1000 blood donors for 1 infusion. It's extremely expensive running about
$30 000 per infusion. I live in Toronto, ON and my doctors pulled the treatment because of the cost and also because there isn't enough documented evidence to support the treatment of IBD with IVIG. There are a couple of small studies I think in Austrailia. So when the doctor pulled treatment last Dec I started to flare in Feb 2011 going 30times day. ******!! I had an extremely difficult fight to find another doctor to prescribe it based on little evidence (by my story and the before and after pics of my colon). It's still not secure in that the hospital can stop it at any time and it's kind of done "under the table" with 2 GI's too. Anyway within 3 days of my last infusion (I have 3 in a row) I was better. I feel human again.
Please do your research on IVIG because it makes sense. It's "natural" and replacing what our bodies can't make. There will be excessive resistance from you GI's. My bw is perfect, my wbc's are normal!! Iron, normal! There is no inflammation in my body as measured by my bw!
If you need any help please send me a private message and I will do anything to help. I have been pondering a web site but it's certainly a lot of work for my right now. Still unemployed because of the economy :( Very frustrating.
I guess this turned into a long story :)
[email protected]