quincy said...
Considering it's an antibiotic and it helps, something other than just UC is going on...it's good you had stool tests done. But...in saying that...better before you were on it.
Since you had many sample vials, your tests won't be limited to only c.diff, which is good.
I'm assuming you're female...if yes, do some things coincide with cycles?
I feel for you...I don't think I'd be able to handle it at all, I'm not very tolerant of nausea, loss of appetite or run down feeling. Is the loss of appetite because it changes the "taste" factor?
You have a few more days of flagyl...hope it doesn't get worse regarding symptoms. but..it's GREAT you're feeling better gut-symptom-wise.
I'm a 38 year old male...I know he won't limit the tests to only C-Diff since I've been prone to Salmonella in the past. I'm sure he's checking for everything. The loss of appetite for me is because of the odd nausea feeling in my stomach from the flagyl. I'll take a few bites and won't feel like finishing the rest. As of today my stool has become more formed and I'm back to 1-2x a day.