I am sure there are good Natruopaths. I am generalizing by saying that they are profiteers. To go pay to see one and lead with 'I am seeing you to get a prescript
ion for LDN' and have him go off on an hour long schhpeel about
Metagenics is disappointing. Now this reminds me of a really good Asian Chiropractor who also sold supplements on the side and he raved and raved about
how it is the 'process'. Ok so they are 'more better' due to the phenomenal extraction process. I never felt any different process or no process. I did not buy again.
10 years later I am hearing the same sales pitch about
Metagenics. Its all bunk this UltraInflamX is just a bunch of vitamins and herbs I already take every day.
I told him I am in year 2 of strong remission and have researched all of these items and yet he chose to continue with his 11 supplement sales pitch.
I see right through these people, its really hard not to.
Letter from FDA to Metagenics said...
The products are labeled as “medical foods,” and are represented on the labels as intended for use with a variety of medical conditions. The products do not meet the definition of a medical food in 21 USC 360ee(b)(3), which defines a medical food as a food which is formulated to be consumed or administered enterally under the supervision of a physician and which is intended for the specific dietary management of a disease or condition for which distinctive nutritional requirements, based on recognized scientific principles, are established by medical evaluation. The regulations further define a medical food as one that is intended for the dietary management of a patient who has special medically determined nutrient requirements, the dietary management of which cannot be achieved by the modification of the diet alone [21 CFR 101.9(j)(8)(ii)]. Your products UltraClear®, UltraMeal®, UltraInflamX™, and UltraGlycemX™ are not medical foods because the diseases and conditions described in the product labels do not have distinct nutritional requirements and because the products do not have any unique impact on the dietary management of those diseases and conditions beyond that which could be achieved by modification of the normal diet alone.