Having learnt alot from everyone saying how different we all are and how we have different reactions to diet , med etc. Made me begin to question why is it working for me so I have been looking closely at this rejuven x all those amino acids one of which is phenylalanine. So I googled it and got the University of Maryland Medical Centre which was the second one that came up after wikipedia. It is very interesting, some people lack phenylalanine, and deficiency can include lack of energy, depression, decreased alert
ness, lack of appetitie and memory problems. On the other hand ther are people with (PKU) who are missing the enzyme to use the phenylalanine. People with (PKU) must avoid phenylalanine in their diet.
All these symptoms were symptoms that I had but they are also symptoms of UC wonder if I will ever know. Does anyone know about or have phenylalanine in their diet or supplements??
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