After struggling against prednisone for a couple of months, my doctor, while acknowledging my reluctance, recommended that I go back on it.
That was on January 9, two weeks ago today.
And today I went to my fitness bootcamp for the first time since October!!!!!!
This is the thing that I've been holding out as my prize for getting into or close to remission. It's a super hard workout and it has been the thing that made me feel good about
myself and like I had accomplished something really difficult first thing every morning.
I'm so so so happy to be back!
I hate prednisone so much but, man, I can't complain about
it now. I'm tapering off now and I hope to be done with it in a few weeks, and some of the other things I started during this flare seem like they'll be good maintenance meds, like the Florastor, the psyllium seed powder, and the L-Glutamine.
But I'm totally CELEBRATING
(which in itself is a minor miracle because my team lost yesterday