Also, what are some good resources to start looking at gluten-free diets and the SCD?Well you can look on this forum by searching for those terms "SCD" and "gluten-free". Diet modification has given me remission that Rx meds never gave me. I tried many different diets with no improvement but when it came down to either going on stronger biologic drugs or surgery I gave diet mod. one last try, thankfully it worked.
By reading posts from people who have been successful with diet you'll see that there is no one diet that works for all. Yes, many of us began with gluten-free and dairy-free plus other food restrictions and IMO that is a very good place to start.
I never would have believed I was gluten-sensitive because I never had any bad reactions to it, it seemed like a safe food for me. However when I removed it I started to see improvement.
Besides removing gluten and dairy it is also important to remove sugar, and sugar comes in many many forms like fruit, starchy veggies (including potatoes). Fake sugar should also be removed along with caffeine (coffee, tea, sodas).
This is not easy to accomplish. I did it because my back was to the wall. It is not an overnight fix.
Start by keeping a daily food/symptom journal. Memory is unreliable.
Protein is your friend when it comes to food. Also green veggies. You'll have to figure out what your colon likes and dislikes. Chicken broth is wonderful. Drink lots of water.
P.S. I love ice cream too but in the early diet mod. days my colon replied with gas and urgency. Now after 2 years I can eat it again in small amounts. Yay.
Yogurt? Not so much, colon still out on that.
Give yourself 30 days to discover whether food makes your symptoms better. If so then you get to decide personally whether to pursue it further. It is a personal decision and can only be made by you.