After being turned down for funding for Inflixmab not because I'm not a suitable candidate but because there is no funding has anybody idea how or where I can get it from free of charge or subsidised?
Aza, Metho, has no impact, I also have related inflamatory arthritis in pretty much every joint and tendon and of course NICE / PCTs have deliberately altered the criteria for funding as typically the arthritis UC sufferers get doesn't indicate very much on inflamatory markers in the blood which is a major points scorer for being allowed Infliximab for arthritis..
So here I am, my doctor won't refer me to a hospital (as I've already had 2 referrals) where I know that somebody has been able to receive the treatment as a mainteance therapy and not just a one off emergency or acute infusion (deemed appropriate to help give the patient time to come to terms with bowel removal).
OK I could get admitted into hospital easily done with a double figure daily bowel movement, blood and mucus but it has been advised if you don't undertake a full course of infliximab treatment the body can sometimes reject further doses should you ever be able to get funding.
I've even moved addresses so that I can try another PCT this time North West London but again the doctors won't refer or the same consultant wont' reapply...My consultant did however refer me to a surgeon which I agreed to just to get the low down on whats involved but his English was so bad I ended up finishing his sentences for him any way after talking to his boss they informed me that I'm likely to be left with a permanent stoma as it appears my UC has affected the whole of my rectal area so a pancolonectomy is reqd. so now where to reattach.
I am so desperate to try to get Infliximab that I'm currently in Spain trying to get the treatment where it is widely avaiable with no questions asked just that you have haven't responded to the more common treatments first. However it appears that because the NHS won't approve funding for this drug in the UK you are not allowed to have it Spain, anybody have any ideas what I'm supposed to do now, I'm so upset and angry, I've been a net contributor to the NHS all my life and look how they let me down when I need it most....
Sorry for the rant but if anybody can offer any help, either to get the treatment in the UK or abroad please let me know.
Many thanks in advance.