Oh I have quite a few....and i am NOT holding back!
1. During college class, my stomach (or colon or whatever!) decided to make the LONGEST, LOUDEST noise while the class was quite. My teacher even commented, "wow, somebody must be really, really hungry!". Haha, I still wonder today if anybody knew that the sound was coming from me!
2. While I was at work one day, I had the sudden urge to rush to the bathroom. As soon as I walked into the bathroom, I was in trouble and got a little bit of bowl droppings on me. I cleaned myself up as best as I could and because I didn't have a change of clothes that day, had to finish the day as best I could. Thank god I was wearing black pants and had spray. lol (lesson learned--ALWAYS keep an extra pair of pants and a towel on you whereever you go!)
3. Same thing happened as before at work, but this time I had an extra pair of pants in my car. Except, because it was really bad this time, I couldn't even leave the bathroom stall. I had to wait for another female co-worker to find me who could go out to my car and get the pants for me!
4. Pretty much anytime I am in a public restroom and have to use it...I feel embarrassed, but then I think, "hey, who cares...I will probably never see these people again and really no one will remember it the next day but me, so let it go (literally)!"
Ulcerative Colitis for 10+ years
Diagnosed at age 17
Currently taking Lialda 4x/day, Mesalima Enemas (thanks everyone who suggested enemas because they are the second best thing to steroids for me!), Probiotics, Multivitamin, Fish Oil, B-Complex vitamins