Posted 3/11/2012 10:28 PM (GMT 0)
So, yesterday I let our dog outside and there was someone standing by our side walk so I grabbed the dog and was going to chain him up but his chain had fallen down the deck stairs(5 of them). So, I was holding on to his collar and I was going to walk him down the steps with me and when I got to the top of the deck step I put my leg down to go down the stairs and he was on the back of my pants. Well, down I went. I flew over the 5 steps and landed forehead first on the sidewalk below. My forehead hit and then my nose and then the rest of my face. Well, I have a huge hematoma on my forehead(it takes up the whole right side of my forehead) and I have a hold on the bridge of my nose and I fractured it there and I have road rash on my bottom right nostrol, all over my nose, my chin and my bottom lip. Today my back hurts and my arms and my head(really?!?! lol) and my right eye is swollen shut and my left eye is half swollen. I have black and blue and pink eyes and checks. I look horrible. They gave me vicodin but I have just been taking tylenol and I think tonight I might need it. They said it was okay but they also said to take motrin which my doctor told me not to take ibprophren because of the ulcers ever. I swear half the time the doctors don't know what UC is or the meds I am on are. It says if you have colitis not to take it but my mom said I think that means long term. I would probably only take it tonight because I am hurting really bad. Is it okay to take?