Sara14 said...
Dairy is actually not a good place to get our calcium despite what the dairy industry and USDA has led us all to believe, because the acidity in animal products causes our bodies to leach calcium out of our bones in order to neutralize the acid and return our body to its natural state. So dairy products actually CAUSE osteoporosis. Look it up. The research is out there if you don't believe me. The countries with the highest levels of osteoporosis are the ones with the highest consumption of dairy products.
This really seems unlikely. Fruits and vinegar are highly acidic. In fact most foods are acidic to some degree. And what about
our stomachs, which secrete hydrochloric acid - about
as concentrated an acid as you can get?
Anyway, dairy has never given me any symptoms beyond what I normally got from Crohn's/colitis. But admittedly the stuff that America calls 'milk' nowadays is probably not good for anybody. It's far too late to help me now, but I do try to stick to organic milk or regular milk from trustworthy supermarkets. (I would prefer to stick with exclusively organic, though.)