Quick version: I asked for leeway in my arrival at work by half hour, now I am going past that by 5 - 10 minutes. I am trying to pull out of a flare, using enemas, they are working but come morning with the amount of sleep I do, it is already getting late to get out of house to work, then morning arrives and the enemas action is kicking in. I think we know how this plays out.
I got asked at work why aren't I abiding by the agreed to time previously. I'm now feeling even more pressure and am really working hard at getting there on time.
What do you guys suggest on how to handle this? I emailed my supervisors information about UC to them so the know what it is about I know I didn't have to but I did and that this is why I was asking for the leeway time.
I felt so defensive and angry and upset that they have to ask questions again that I cried a bit, not out of hurt because of the questions but from anger in having to explain this again. And I feel that they don't believe me.
I am seeing my doctor tomorrow and will ask for a note to detail my condition and what I am going through to bring into work. Again I know I dont have to do this but I really feel they don't believe me.