Don't know if this just a side effect of my meds or what, but as of late I have experienced a lot of 'false alarms'. My stomach starts to gurgle so I get that feeling that i gotta go. I get to the bathroom ASAP, sit down, only to experience a rapid fire machine gun-like flatluence session. No poo, just gas.
This happens at least 3 times in the morning, 1 once in the afternoon, and at least 4 times overnight. Granted, I am thankful that it's gas and not poo, but I have learned to never trust a fart...
Lialda 1.2mg 4 tablets every morning
Entocort 3mg 3 capsules every morning
Proctofoam once in the morning, once at bedtime
Bentyl 3-4 tablets a day (depening on my cramping)