Some of us have successfully used Transdermal LDN, and others have had more success on oral LDN.
Whichever route you choose, please know the following:
1) make sure you use a great compounding pharmacy, my suggestion would be Skip's Pharmacy in Boca Raton, FL - as they are well known, really know their stuff, and have the experience with different fillers, etc...
2) If you're going to do the oral LDN, make sure it's the sucrose filler only ( to prevent any reactions).
3) If you're going to do the transdermal LDN, make sure they use the Emu oil formula
4) To get the maximum results, it would be best to be on a strict no gluten, no dairy, no processed foods diet
5) Lastly, it is contra-indicated with use of any opioids.
Let me know if you have any other questions.