Yeah..I know what's ahead of me with the period...can't belevie you had endo AND really haven't had it easy with the lower half??
I felt pretty good this morning, formed and brown, and only twice, but both times formed and solid. Still have the stain of blood on the tp. pinkish, not bright red and still when I have a squirt, some stain also.
I guess that's still the healing takes a LONG time to heal in there? Started the cortenema on 8-8, would have expected to not have any blood by now. Am I not being realistic?
I know what you mean by YOUR bleeding before the diagnosis of your GM step son. The joke with my famiy was I was bleeding and my husband had colon cancer...figure that one?
SO your husband has yearly scopes too? My husband is having his yearly next week. Always a time of anxiety for us,.
Hope those fissures and hemmies heal. Enough is enough down there!!
How often do you see your GI? October is the next appt? that's when I see the new GI in NYC...can't wait