Lodi said...
I test through Grassroots too, Tap (congrats on your frequency status!). Are you involved with their study? Lucky, you've got a lot of numbers and you can see exactly how, what you're doing, is impacting your levels . I agree with you to back down a bit now that your at 88. Are you pretty consistent with your supplementation? I'm only asking because I tend not to be especially in the summer. It's actually possible that we (as a species) aren't meant to always have a high level...maybe just in the summer. Who knows..
I do participate in the study and that is why I have so many test results (each is six months apart). I am very consistent with my supplementation. Currently I take 10,000 IU on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. I got a pill box earlier this year and that has made taking my pills much more straight forward. I also know if I missed a dose. I tend to miss an Asacol dose about
once every two weeks and always dinner and usually because dinner wasn't at the usual time or place.
I plan to stay at 30,000 IU until fall and then go to 40,000 IU until the middle of next spring and then back to 30,000 IU. I'm just shooting to keep my level to at least 60 ng/mL and hope for the best.