boumboumbambino said...
I don't think you are seeing the whole picture. It is not a matter of being "spoiled" , or wanting to get everything for free, it's a matter of how we want our governement to spend our money. Yes tuition costs are lower than in any other province, because we believe that anyone, rich or poor should be able to school. It really has nothing to do with greed, it has everything to do with social equality. That's where we think we should invest, because an educated society and a society where there is the least inequalities is a healthier society, on every level.
Jean Charest wants to put less money in education and more money in "gaz the schiste", and "le plan nord", both of wich will destroy the environement. Yes I know it's not that simple, but you get what i'm saying. Yes the strike was about tuition in the first place, but it became bigger, and it's about so much more. It's about corruption, environnement, justice, etc. People want Jean Charest to leave, and it's not only the students...
Please understand that people who provoque riots or break thing during manifestations most of the time are not even students, they are just opportunistic people who have some anger to express... The vast majority of people who manifest do it in a very creative and peacefull way. Of course if you watch TV you will only get to see the negative side. Also , most students who participate in this movement will not even be affected by this raise of tuition, because they will be done with school, they do it for others that might not be able to afford school.
By all means this is not a black in white situation , and students have certainly made some mistakes, but I think you are misinterpreting their intentions.
BTW, I do use enemas from time to time, but I never forget to take them out of my butt
It's always nice to have a beautiful environment to live in, however, if there are no jobs, then there are no people paying taxes and everybody bleeding the Gov't dry. It's just not realistic.
Corruption exists in EVERY gov't (Quebec seems to be the worse) and it was there before Charest and it will be there after. To me, you would have to eliminate pretty much the whole top level of gov't to accomplish this. And, if that was really the student's issue, then that is what they should be protesting, not the increase in tuition. Not pulling students out of classrooms who want to learn. Not interrupting other people's lives to get their message through. Not getting your education is not going to teach the Gov't anything, it is only the student who will suffer in the long run.
The 250 bucks a year is not going to stop somebody from getting an education if they want one. I believe Charest was going to change the student loans to reflect this increase. How many kids spend that much on a few pieces of clothes?
There comes a time that Gov't has to say enough spending, we just can't keep doing what we are doing (otherwise you end up with a "Greece").
What Quebec needs now is a fiscally responsible leader. Not one that will offer the world to get elected, then worry how they are going to implement all those promises. Not one that is going to encourage separation (because they darn well know they can't afford it). Not one that is going to beg to get MORE money from the Feds because I can't see that happening. But one that is going to implement the hard policies that will make Quebec financially viable to continue, and to wean off the transfer payments from the Feds.
Just my 2 cents.