kazbern said...
Applebob, do you think it is possible that you are sensitive to the ingredients in the Rowasa? Are you using the name-brand enema or a generic? I found one generic gave me bad diarrhea and another did not.
There is a good trick to using any of these retention enemas - to keep yourself from injecting a bunch of air with the meds (the air makes me cramp up) you gently squeeze the bottle before inserting it so all the air comes out. THEN you insert the tip and give yourself the enema.
You wrote about having 14 days of constipation. That's a big deal! What caused it, do you think? Are you using any fiber supplement? That is often really helpful for people with ulcerative colitis/proctitis, and maybe would resolve some of your motility issues (constipation followed by days of multiple bms and/or diarrhea, repeat repeat repeat). I think this might be more of an issue for you than any inflammatory problem. Strangely, the mesalamine enemas make my motility issues worse.
Entocort is an odd medicine to take if you have proctitis, since it is meant to treat inflammation at the terminal ileum, not exactly in the neighborhood of your rectum and sigmoid colon. It costs so much money, I'm wondering if you really need it.
I was previously on Entocort and it worked pretty good at helping settle down everything. I am actually wondering if it's the Entocort causing the abdominal cramps. GI says no, but the med info. sheet says it can cause cramping. I used the generic Rowasa, I was "administering" it correctly. The RN made sure to give me good directions when she called me with the new prescript