DBwithUC said...
I would want confirmation of the UC diagnosis.
I've been scoped with biopsy and he diagnosed UC. Is there a possibility the diagnosis is wrong?
At the time of the scope the flares were getting worse - pain, not able to eat, severe weight loss, but not in frequency. I would only flare once a year. I have also considered that the disease may be getting worse as a possible reason for the frequency of the flaring (I'm praying this isn't the case). The reason I decided to be scoped was that I always thought that I had UC because my father had it and eventually have to have jpouch surgery.
Paying 300 bucks a month for medication that is either causing me to flare more often or isn't helping my condition at all is a hard thing to do. What I really need is a good doctor, but without insurance I just can't find one :(
I certainly appreciate the suggestions.