Ever since my Ferrlecit infusion on Monday, I have had hives everywhere. I've tried different topical things like baking soda, tea tree oil, coconut oil, magnesium oil, hydrocortisone cream (burned like crazy and made it worse), apple cider vinegar, and aloe vera. I called my doctor and he told me it was most likely an allergic reaction to something in the iron so he cancelled all my next infusions and told me to take Benadryl. The Benadryl helps for a few hours but then the hives all come back. I hate taking it because it has every illegal SCD ingredient you can imagine- fake sugars, preservatives, dyes. Uhh I am worried taking so much of it will wreak havoc on my current flare. I am taking Vit C and Quercetin, but they aren't strong enough.
I ended up calling the drug company and asking them how long I should expect the hives to last/ how long the infusion stays in your body. The lady told me it could be weeks or months before the hives go away and that I could go on prednisone. Well, I am very allergic to prednisone so I can't take that either.
I am just so miserable. I have ice all over myself and can't do anything or go anywhere. The worst ones are on my face- it is totally swollen and they are on my eyes, ears, cheeks, forehead. I was reading about high dose Vit C infusions to treat hives but they aren't covered under insurance. I guess they are usually performed by naturopathic doctors.