This thread is inspired by my fear of a prednisone induced hissy fit, by me, during the holidays. My relatives really have it coming this year, and I'm always the nice "mediator" "let's all settle down" person.
I have 2 dinners - one my dad is taking care of, and that will be about
17 people, dad, grandpa, me, and my dad's new girlfriend's family (I love them, it is hysterical that my dad's new GF is only 4 years older than me. But it's cool.)
So that should be fine. My two aunts will be there and they can get out of line, so that might be hissy #1
#2 might be when I get back to my in-laws house. I have no idea what will happen then.
So we'll see!
But I thought we should have a single thread where we can post all of our 'roid rage induced "incidents."
So let's hear 'em!