Summerstorm, my ability to run up it was strictly due to the fact that it was either that, or have an accident. Yesterday, when I didn't feel the urge and knew an accident was NOT imminent, there is NO WAY I could've run up it. We have a season pass (which we lucked into for free!) so we go every now and then and walk it--there are always a lot of people running it. It was really really beautiful yesterday-the fall leaves are still colorful and it was a clear sky, just before sunset. So pretty. I really appreciated it even more because I felt WELL and wasn't constantly worried about
a bathroom. We even took the train ride around the mountain, which is about
30 minutes, and I didn't have to worry about
needing to stop the train, which they won't do probably unless it is really an emergency. Last time, I was scared to ride the train. If nothing else, the UC really makes me appreciate these little things that might otherwise be taken for granted.