When the meds failed me and the doc gave me a choice of surgery or remicade - I said NO thanks to both.
What worked for me was a combination of:
- diet modification as in going gluten and dairy free
- adding supplements like l-glutamine, slippery elm, LOTS of good probiotics
- have your vitamin d3 levels been checked recently? low levels are correlated with IBD
- also food combining helped calm things down too
- and then LDN, low dose naltrexone
If you are interested, there are things IMO that you can control, which will have a direct impact on your disease, the symptoms you experience and their severity.
I was able to control my UC into remission through various supplements, probiotics, diet modification, and LDN , low dose naltrexone.
For more info on the protocol which has put me into remission, please go to this link: https://www.healingwell.com/community/default.aspx?f=38&m=1666318 , and look at the 11th post.
I hope you feel better and let us know how we can help you.