maryjane1234 said...
sfc425: i'm still hurting pretty badly from how he did things (or didn't, as it were). still trying to forgive him but it's difficult, seeing as how i am SO not quick to trust (and he poots in his sleep too!). there will never be an alternative; breaking up over something like that is juvenile and immature, something i can't really deal with in a guy. he never gave any hint of dissatisfaction until he broke up with me; we actually had made plans the evening before. the next day i called and sent him a text (nothing ugly), and one text later it was over, no explanation (i found out the reason from one a mutual friend, so him discussing that was even more hurtful). hopefully i will figure out wth with this condition and tweak my diet and see if that helps. if not, back to the doc. thanks for your advice, feedback, and kind consideration :)
decisions like this can be more difficult to carry out than they are to make. maybe it was something he had been thinking about
for a long time but did not feel comfortable discussing out of consideration for your feelings? maybe he felt horrible for holding something you can't control against you and couldn't think of a "mature" or "appropriate" way to go about
doing so. none of those explanations should be confused for valid excuses to behave like he did - it just may be a useful perspective to for you to take into consideration.
I know that it is difficult for me to imagine someone wanting to be with me and my UC/IBS affectations every day, but that is part of the deal they'd have to sign up for when entering a relationship. some people may initially think they'd be okay with it but there is no way of knowing until they go through the experience. again, this doesn't excuse his behavior, it just may give you more of an explanation.
and this is all why I think he was wrong for you. not because of how he handled the break-up. most break-ups are handled poorly and end with one or both parties quite bitter and angry at each other. he's clearly not capable of being there for you, so don't worry about
"how" he came to this conclusion and just understand that he did. as long as you keep a positive,
open mind, someone else who is better will be more accepting and perhaps do a better job of showing you so.
in essence: it doesn't matter why you broke up at the end of the day, because it's over regardless. so don't sweat this too much and find someone better who you deserve.