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New Member
Joined : Dec 2012
Posts : 9
Posted 2/2/2013 11:28 PM (GMT 0)
Hi Im writing a cookbook for ulcerative colitis and I'm just wondering if anyone
can give me insight into using tofu. If there were symptoms or not etc
Veteran Member
Joined : Sep 2009
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Posted 2/3/2013 3:23 AM (GMT 0)
I eat tofu at least three times a week. My favorite is tofu kabos with figs with lemon sauce. Recpie is at I can not eat beef. Chicken fish and lamb are ok.
Veteran Member
Joined : Jun 2010
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Posted 2/4/2013 12:58 AM (GMT 0)
Forget Ulcerative colitis patients but even for regular 'healthy' folks, I would not recommend tofu that we get in stores. If you can get tofu that is traditionally made, I am all in but I have never found such tofu, except in Japan.
If you want to know why, gives a good overview. Although she writes from a business point of view, she also touches upon health associated ramifications of chemically made tofu. I very much agree with her findings.
I would like to underscore something. Soy lobby has a ton of money to spend. Scientists working on anything that contradicts money, do not have any money to advertise their research. Whatever they publish is locked behind a subscript
ion wall of the scientific journals so it is not accessible to lay folks. Plus, curiosity of general population is rather weak to learn more about
foods, unless they have any health issues. All this works in favor of 'money'. This author puts it very nicely for the understanding of regular folks. I strongly recommend you to check this books out.
Personally, I looked into tofu when our family decided to go gluten and casein free because of DS's diagnosis of autism. I was very much aware of phytoestrogens in Soy but I wasn't too sure if they mimic human estrogens. Digging on PubMed gives you plethora of information (And I have full-text access to almost every possible journal). End Result - We kicked soy out of our life and then I came across this book. No regrets whatsoever.
Now that you ask about
symptoms associated with tofu. There is no yardstick. If you click around this forum, you will notice, everyone reacts differently to different foods. So from business point of view, you could very much include it and will have no effect on sale. Ethically, it will be unfair, pretty much Paula Dean. Use crazy amount of trans fat, sugar and what not and then say, I encourage moderate use of these items. Still make money after getting diagnosed with Diabetes by being a spokeswoman for Insulin pen !!!
Hope I made my point.
Veteran Member
Joined : Jan 2013
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Posted 2/4/2013 1:01 AM (GMT 0)
I also caution about
including tofu in a UC cookbook.. just based on its digestability alone. Traditionally fermented and prepared tofu made with non gmo soybeans are much different, like deltaforce said but even then, its best to just get your nutrients elsewhere if you have any IBD
Veteran Member
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Posted 2/4/2013 1:35 AM (GMT 0)
I agree, Deltaforce - hit the nail on the head.
Careful with tofu, soy, etc...
New Member
Joined : Dec 2012
Posts : 9
Posted 2/4/2013 5:01 AM (GMT 0)
you guys have been great luckily I have many vegan and veggiterian friends who are willing to share other
tofu free recipes. I'm glad I joined this sight I was in my early teens when I first showed symptoms i was nearly twenty before I was diagnosed. sad part the doctors couldn't believe someone my age could develop something so terrible. Thank you all again
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