Welcome to the forum.
They are saying a diet with no animal protien, fruits, vegtables and some starches have made folks go into remission completely, no meds, etc
I don't know if this is just a load of dung or
I'm sorry your son is suffering, and hope he improves soon.
Are you saying: no animal protein, but yes to fruits, veggies and some starches?
BTW, IMO diet as NOT a load of dung.
I strongly believe in the Paleo diet - it is an anti-inflammatory diet, and inflammation is the cause of most disease, including UC. It consists of eating grass-fed animal products, veggies, some fruits, BUT NO GRAINS.
Yes, many on this forum have had very good results with diet.
Many UCers and IBDers have tremendous issues with both gluten and dairy.
I would suggest you try that first, and do a food journal.
There are other things you can add, and try as well: probiotics are crucial.
Is he on any?
Supplements: slippery elm powder to coat the intestinal tract, L-Glutamine for colonic repair, ensuring adequate levels of vitamin d3 is crucial as well.
Has he been tested for vitamind d3 deficiency?
If you are interested, there are things IMO that you can control, which will have a direct impact on
your disease, the symptoms you experience and their severity.
I was able to control my UC into remission through various
supplements, probiotics, diet modification, and LDN , low dose
For more info on the protocol which has put me into remission,
please go to this link: , and look at the 11th post.
I hope you feel better and let us know how we can help