After a year of fighting a flare (mainly bleeding), I finally got of Prednisone in December. I tried 6mp but elevated my liver enzymes too high. GI wanted me to "hold my breath" to see what our next course of action would be. I have had long periods of remission. I am trying naturopathic and diet things. Although lately I've been so depressed I have had trouble keeping on the diet. I also have been having this on and off nausea for a few months now.....I go for endoscope end of Feb for that....
So I was trying to double up on probiotics and then I stopped them for a few days... stools are now large and hard to pass. Well today I looked in the bowl and there were slight streaks of blood on stool. Not sure if it's from large stool, my period that just started or the dreaded UC.. I am in a panic because I really don't want to do Remicaide and I bet it won't even work for me. I can never tolerate anything. Only Prednisone and that gave me osteoperosis!!!
I am so down I can't take this anymore