If I had to choose sides here, I would certainly believe what the doctors are saying. I was told by the chief bacteriologist that it only has to be retained for 30 seconds for them to multiply. Bacteria does not conform to the basic laws of gravity as we know it, hence no having to straddle your legs up a wall. There is no 'up' or 'down', as Somedude said, it behaves like any other bacterial 'infection'.
Bananagirl, I see your point in having this delivered via a scope whilst in a semi-trance, and being able to lie down for the day. But you have to consider that this is a publicly funded trial done by experts in this field. I say experts, even cosidering it's early days yet with this procedure for UC. Given the constraints with anything that is accountable to the Canadian Health authorities, I'm sure they've done their homework. Of course we won't know how accurate they've been 'till they break the code. In my case (I can't speak for others) it will be March 19, when they give me a flex-sig and then apprise me as to whether I was a placebo or not.
Edbar, your point on whether (good) bacteria will still work in an inflamed colon is also a worry for me (see my earlier post). But if you consider that if an infamed colon can be a welcome environment for the bad little buggers then why not for the good ones? Remember, it's our own white blood cells that are doing the damage because of a seriously ****ed-up immune system that targets the good ones, letting the bad ones rule.
Thanks for the input guys!
Somedude, there was another guy on this trial but it was interrupted because of a major relapse which hospitalized him. I've never heard from him since, if he's able to read this, I hope you're getting better.