This is my 3rd try on the cortenemas - my GI felt the Canasa quit working for me again & we are trying Flagyl w/Cortenemas for now.
My last sigmoid (10/2012) showed my colon was clear & my rectum was severe. Had a wonderful 7 day Prednisone free remission & it began again. (been flared now since 3/2012)
While i don't seem to be getting worse on the Cortenemas this time around - it has become very difficult to insert it. I get it in justa touch & squirt some out, slow, squirt, etc. BUT - it's a hard go - seems to be very swollen inside. I have what feels like internal spinchter pain - 9 out of ten when going (loose stool blood & moucus) it itches like crazy and over the course of an hour it feels irritating rather than painful. Since I am going about 6 time a day right now - there's not a whole lot of comfort going on!
I've tried lukewarm bath soack, nupricainal, bactroban & nystatin. (Everything looks normal external) Going to call GI tomorrow - any ideas to help me for now??
Thanks ahead!!