A couple of days ago I posted my current experience under the topic CCHERBAL and Natura Alpha.
I started taking the herb a short time ago after enduring an over a year long flare. I lost 65 ibs.
and had to be on IVs. I couldn't eat or drink anything without running to the bathroom. Have
been confined to my house forever. After three days of taking the herb from CCHERBAL my flare
for the most part stopped. Now I am eating meals without any problems. I don't know if my prayers
were answered the day I started taking the herb, but I'm now going shopping with my wife and feel
in control again. I'm not saying I'm totally cured but I no longer am running to the bathroom. My
stools are no longer bloody and are getting almost too firm. What a change. My GP Doctor believes
in multiple approaches to health care but my Internal Specialist is not happy with me. He doesn't
believe in anything but what he prescribes. The herbs in the capsules are Indigo, skullcap root and
Costus root. I have also cut my other meds in half ( 2 Aprisos instead of 4 & 1 entocort vs 3) without
any negative affect. If the flare starts up again I will post immediately to let you know. I hope to
stop all meds if everything continues to improve. I do not know if your results will be dramictic as
mine but I was at a point where I couldn't imagine getting any worst than I already was.
Hope this is of some use to you.