I had posted here a week or so ago that I was concerned after seeing blood that my uc could be acting up. I had formed and larger stool plus my period at the time. So I was unsure. Since then my period is mostly gone and I'm not really seeing any blood. Still formed stool no D.
But tonight I had an urgency at dinner. I knew it would be mucus and it was, just that. Not bloody but I am so afraid this is UC starting to rear its ugly head.
I have been on Prednisone most of last year. Got into remission when I added 6mp, but had to stop because of liver issues. CAn't take Mesalamine. So what is left? GI wanted me to "wait and see". I've been good for maybe 4 or 5 months now. LDN is my only real med.
Now I've been told I have IBS too that came way after uc. This type of thing has come and gone before but now that 6mp is out I'm petrified. I really really don't want to do Remicaide..what else is there? Humira? Oh and is that made from something human/fetal? I wouldn't use it if it was.
I hate that I seem to have so few options to treat this. Any advice??