quincy said...
laughingduck...just want to touch on the term "just dealing with the symptoms" that you might not be clear about.
There are symptoms caused by inflammation, some of which can be dealt with by food changes, supplements, fibre, probiotics, antidiarrheals, etc.
None of which will deal with the inflammation.
There are symptoms caused by inflammation which treatment of inflammation is the sole goal...in turn results in less symptoms.
Basically, antiinflammatories such as 5ASA oral and rectal and steroids oral and rectal or systemic.
So, any steroid deals with inflammation, so it's not only dealing with symptoms.
Thanks Quincy. I guess what I meant was does cortifoam only deal with the symptoms and inflammation while on it, or can it actually work to put someone in remission even after it is stopped. Reason I asked was I saw a couple posts of people saying it worked only while people were taking it. I know when I used topical steroids on my psoriasis it helped control it but as soon as I stopped the symptoms returned (often worse than before).
I also see lots of people on here on rectal mesalamine, and lots on oral steroids, but not much on rectal steroids. So I guess I was just looking for a bit more info on it from members, if it got anyone into remission etc! I tried my first dose (since trying it a year ago) today and am hoping this helps heal the last of my inflammation. I don't have another scope until April but judging by symptoms I think I am back to just havig severe proctitis now.