My GI and I have decided that since I have become prednisone dependent, the next step in treatment is humira.
To those that are on, I am anxious, excited, and nervous all at the same time, so my apologies for the inane questions:
1)How much do you guys pay? I am paying $75 for a 3 month supply.
2) What dosage were you on when you first started? I am starting with 4 injections (160 mg total) on day one, then 80 mg (2 injections) 2 weeks later then 40 mg (1 injection) every other week.
3) What day of the week is the best to start then take the subsequent injections. I am fearful taking it on a workday, I was thinking of a weekend so I can get a feel of everything.
4) Any crazy side effects?
5) GI suggested that I stay on Lialda. And use proctofoam and bentyl if I need to.
6) Most importantly, how is your treatment doing?
These certainly won't be my last questions, but these are enough to get me started. Thanks for all your help and insight.