Posted 3/10/2013 6:29 AM (GMT 0)
Had a 3rd flex sig last week & this was the report:
there is confluent mucosal inflammation to 45cm with spontaneous punctate hemorrhage. The lower rectum is relatively spared.
37.5mg prednisolene & review in 2 weeks.
So what if it's beyond the 45cm?
The prednisolene has turned me into a munching moody zombie.
I can't sleep for more than 2 hours at a time.
Did see gp yesterday & he prescribed me temazepan so I am able to rest but now I am just so agitated and frustrated I want to pull my hair out- what's left of it anyway.
I have been using salofalk enemas daily for over a year. I tried the oral mezaliane concurrently with the foam for a few months. I have tried the cortifoam.
I have been gluten free for a year.
I have been on a vegan diet for about 3 months (but have slipped with the occasional salmon steak)
I take probiotics daily & glutamine
I feel doomed. I hate being lazy, moody & now I'm getting fatter by the moment on the prednisolene.
So angry.
I know it's not helpful- but at this stage what is?
My three year old tells me now to stop roaring like a dinosaur.
"What kind" I snapped back
"a tyrannosaurus Rex" he said.