A - interesting - like most things, everyone is a little different in the way flares come and go -
i just got back on the wagon - i was pretty careful getting off the meds back in the summer of '12 - but gradually i started to slide and started eating stuff i knew i probably shouldn't - unfortuneatly the way my system is tuned, i didn't suffer - at least right away - so i kinda kept straying until the poop hit the fan - so now i'm back to what i know works - no grains, no sugar, no dairy - this time i'll give it more time before i stray, and when i do, it will be verrrry gradual - fortunately as a stay at home dad, i was able to stay med free through this recovery period - it the past, like a lot of uc'ers, i didn't have the luxury of just chilling and working through the pain and 15+ trips to the sshhiiter a day - i wish everone had that opportunity to heal at their leisure -
thanks Faith - maybe i'll look into the stereo specials
thanks for the encouragement M !