Thanks for the replies.
deltaforce, the normal dose for celebrex is 2x/day. I initially took it only when needed, but then increased it to 1x/day as my joint issues were getting worse. Funny enough, my GI actually prescribed Tecta with my stomach issues (just for 1 week), which I believe is like Prilosec, but was never told to take it when taking celebrex. As for sulfasalzine, I am female with 2 young kids but family is done so no issue with that respect. Will look up these meds. Thx!
kazbern, I was told that the sacroiliitis is related to my UC..or so they suspect. Good to hear the belt helps. Do you still run? What about walking? I recently got myself a treadmill and with the celebrex, was managing it ok (walking only!). But since stopping the celebrex, I definitely feel my SI joints.
Red, I've tried a belt and finds it does nothing...although who knows, maybe there are better ones. Yeah, I'll take tylenol, but of course it only masks the pain (and in flare up mode of shooting pain, does nothing) as oppposed to fights the inflammation. I'm the same as you and cannot stand for long periods of time...but for me, worse is sitting for long periods of time. In fact, next week i have two 2hr meeting and iwll have to find a spot at the back where I can stand. Yeah, I also tried physio and TBH, need to keep it up more. I do the stretches after exercise, but should be doing the core exercises more. Never the less, even when i did them for months for 30min each night, it still didn't stop my issues.