my dad made this appointment for me after I got out of the hospital for c diff. I was pretty skeptical just because I've seen 3 naturopaths and my last one landed me in the hospital for a week and out of $475. but I figured, why not, as long as he pays, right?? I figured/figure that i'll take into account what the new naturopath says but I won't jump into anything.
this guy did everything through muscle testing. my biggest food "allergies" are to wheat, eggs, and chicken. I knew the eggs and wheat were a problem, but the chicken was sad. my mom makes a roast chicken almost every week for me since I started paleo in august! I wonder if it will make a difference not eating it. I still get cramps with my bm's so I know something is still wrong.
he said I have a fungus overgrowth and told me 4 supplements to take:
saccharomyces boulardii (I've been taking this since I was in the hospital for c diff)
oil of oregano
homeopathy drainage remedy (i'm not really sure what this does but I got it anyway)
here's the candibactin link:
I am kind of excited to start the new things. I've never tried oregano or candibactin but i'm just gonna add one of those at a time. it will be easier for me to tell if I have a reaction.
this place definitely had way better prices though. the total cost of all my supplements/testing with the appointment was $147. for those of you who haven't been to a naturopath, that is a MAJOR bargain. it's typically $140-$300 just for the appointment sit down without the supplements/testing.
the only worrisome thing about the day was my father's driving. besides never driving in the daytime due to his night shift work, he lost his glasses AND had a huge bundle of wood in the trunk which blocked the entire back window. this combination was potentially fatal for the both of us. I am shocked I am sitting here typing this post to be honest haha I couldn't believe he didn't get pulled over or crash the car.