I was diagnosed on 05/01/13 with UC limited to the last 22 cm of my colon. I'm taking 4 Apriso caps per day (0.375GM). I'm seeing improvement with the initial symptoms (bowel movements, constipation, frequency, etc.) but the fatigue, joint pain, and vomiting are insane. It seems like no matter what I eat, I can't eat a normal full size portion without feeling like I gorged myself on a pasta buffet. I'm feeling so full I get nauseous and often times vomit. And I'm exhausted to where my body aches. It's like you ate a huge Thanksgiving dinner that makes you need to nap even though I might have eaten half a piece of chicken.
Is this normal? I know I just started my Rx and there are side effects, could this be b/c of the Apriso?
Is there some foods I should be avoiding off the bat? I normally eat a pretty good diet of raw vegetables, fruits, meats, nuts, grains, a little dairy, and very little fat or carbs. I figured I was doing the right thing b/c eating breads or pastas would be heavy and make me feel run down but I'm reading that cutting our raw vegetables may be the way to go.
I would appreciate any insight as I just feel so lost right now. It's frustrating, scary, and so confusing.