I stopped the RS diet because I thought I was doing ok on GP defined diet to boost red blood cells and ferritin.
This quickly backfired as all my cheat food began to cause inflammation. Adding the legumes back in after flaring was not working because food was going thru me too quickly. Shortened transit time. In all that blood I saw the bean matter. It was
supposed to travel slowly and ferment the RS - resistant starch into SCFA specifically butyrate but yet it lay there as a sure sign I need longer transit time. This RS fermentation was not going to happen until I got out of the deep flare. I vowed never to take prednisone again nor see my GI doc. GI office called me -talk about
irony. I ignored the call.
I noticed a tub of discounted 'wheat grass' in my kitchen as I scrambled to cope with the onset of depression as my situation worsened. I had picked it up simply because it was on the clearance table at Vitamin Shoppe and they gave me a $100 shopping spree. This was over a month ago.
I figured how could things get worse so I downed the powder mixed in water. This was akin to mowing your lawn then shoving your face in the grass clippings bag and munching away. Pretty gross.
Abruptly the bleeding stopped. I began googling this 'wheat grass' stuff. It turns out Ann Wigmore is the person who promoted/popularized it years ago and guess what ? She had ULCERATIVE COLITIS and claimed it cured it ( at least controlled it because she never stopped taking wheatgrass ). She claimed and others do as well that it restored hair color.
More importantly it resolves anemia and mine has been stubborn. Talk about
killing two birds with one stone. Nice 1-2 punch to getting healthy.
Flare stop :
Wheat Grass+Librax to slow transit time
+Mebeverine to slow transit time
+Low carb ( ok lunch was free and I had the big
cookie AND the big brownie )
+Navy beans, Cold Pasta, Unripe bananas
-No prednisone this time
-No GI doc this time
-No blood thinner at this time
Cortisol mgmt :
Adrenal Glandular+Licorice
-Valium 0 to .25 pill only when very stressed out
That is my list of weapons to get out of this flare ASAP and remain in good health.
The one item that had an abrupt profound impact was the wheatgrass.
www.wheatgrass.wheatgrasshome.com/Dr.htmlPost Edited (aguywithuc) : 5/15/2013 10:02:13 AM (GMT-6)