Hi all:
A few weeks, well almost a month ago, I posted about a few symptoms I was starting to have and wondered if I should go back to every night enemas to ward off a flare/mini-flare. Quincy told me to keep her updated so here it is:
I did go back on the nightly enemas for 2 weeks...then realized it was almost time for my period (which sometimes causes me to be a little symptomatic) so I stayed on the nightly enemas for that week as well. I have now tapered back to every other night and feel back to 'normal' (whatever normal might be really).
So that's my update on me, thanks to all (and esp you Quincy) for all your help and understanding. I hope I can just use these 5-ASA's forever...that's my goal!
Going on vacation this week....last time I went to the beach I was flaring horribly (my flare before I was dx) so I'm excited to go while feeling well.
Love this board, I told my GI about it...he thinks it's 100% fantastic that I've found it!