Posted 6/8/2013 5:04 PM (GMT 0)
Okay, the worst of the yeast die off is over. I managed only to puke a few times. Mostly it seemed I threw up berberine only, which was vile. I hadnt had any problems with the berberine until I added Thorne's SF 722. It locked up my intestines for the first 2 days but now we are back to daily elimination. I can tell there is some inflammation because my stools have gotten a little thinner, but they are still 1.5cm in diameter at the thinnest. No mucus or blood.
Im going back on Interfase +EDTA for a week to biofilm bust plus a no fast carb/sugar/meat/egg diet. I hate Interfase + EDTA because it is another product that knocks me on my ass. It's been the hardest product for me personally as it makes everything in my body hurt. But it must be done.
(Hydrogen Sulfide (H2S) gas producers)
more info
Shutting Off The Poison Gut Gas Food Supply
There should be no fermentation in the small intestine, only "digestion". Therefore, if you have yeast or bad bacteria (as seen on a CDSA), you should consider the following no-sugar no-fast carbo dietary guidelines. If one's seratonin 5-HT2 receptors are clogged, they may have sugar cravings which can make dealing with this issue more difficult, as described here. One way to deal with the cravings is to pad-lock (key or combination) the kitchen cabinet, securing all sweets, and notifying all family members that sweets not locked up will be removed from the premises. Also, one can put locks on kitchen doors so that family members can create a secure perimeter while the pad-locked cabinets are open. Also, to satisfy the clogged 5-HT2 cravings, one keep a bag of rice cakes (0g sugar) next to them, and pop rice cake as needed. Eating many rice cakes is OK.
Foods That Encourage Fermentation (bad)
Sugar, cookies, cakes, soda, fruit juice, fast carbohydrates (e.g. refined wheat, white bread, pasta, pizza, sweet roles, muffins, cookies), nuts, sweet fruit (e.g. apple, orange, pears), egg, non-turkey meat (meat and also egg ferments into methionine-based toxins H2S and CH3SH) all encourage fermentation; and need to be avoided if you have a poison gut gas problem. Tofu encourages fungal growth since it contains fungi, and it therefore should be avoided or limited if one has fungi in the gut.
Foods That Discourage Fermentation (good)
The following foods are helpful when one has a fermentation problem: Complex carbohydrates (e.g. brown rice, buckwheat, popcorn, rice cakes), vegetables, cranberries and blueberries (non-sweet fruit), Lingonberries (red sour small berries), no sugar soy milk, Aloe Juice, no sugar yogurt, goat yogurt, Keifer milk, cheese, milk, tomatoes, peppers, sesame-seed paste, pocono buckwheat, hominy grits (white corn grits), squashes are excellent, olives (black and green, not from metal can, w/o sulfite preservative), goat feta cheese is excellent (not cow feta), potatoes in small quantities, brown rice is excellent, millet is ok most of the time, small amounts of turkey (possibly with digestive aids), fish, flax oil, olive and weight-lifters MCT oils (caprylate + gammalinolenate), and Rutabagas (good against Candida). One can use Alanine or Stevia for sweeteners.
Why Sugar, Meat and Egg Can Be Very Bad
Glucose and most sugars are "aldohexoses" which means they produce a chemical called aldehyde. There is a liver filtration process called sulfoxidation, and if it is impaired (e.g. due to enzymes that have been inactivated by bad molecule such as lead or mercury), then the aldehyde will consume more of the enzymes used by sulfoxidation and therefore slow it down, causing toxins to build in the body. Methionine from eggs, meat and wheat produce poisonous H2S, CH3SH and formaldehyde from fermentation, and these consume enzymes used by the liver, causing toxins to build as well. Sugar itself requires mono-oxidations to burn it, and this process is also used to make ATP energy, therefore, the sugar inhibits the generation of ATP energy by stealing away mono-oxidation. In summary; egg, sugar and meat can cause fatigue if several enzymes in the liver have gone down due to bad molecules. The test for this condition is to avoid the "bad" foods listed above for several days and see if one feels significantly better.
Probiotics and Prebiotics
The following are helpful at displacing the bad bacteria and yeast with good bacteria: tons of Probiotic Bacteria Capsules (e.g. acidophilus, bifidobacterium, lactobacillus, escherichia coli), tons of Prebiotic Capsules (e.g. FructoOligoSaccharides), tons of Kefir (a drink from the Caucasus Mountains) and tons of goat yogurt. If your gut has 1.5Kg (3LBs) of total bacteria, and you want to put 1LBs of good bacteria in to push out the bad, you would need to take many bacterial capsules. Note that the full 1LBs will not make it to the gut lining and survive. Some will die from stomach acid and some will not affix to the colon wall and will end up in the toilet. If you pop 300mg capsules of healthy bacteria, you would need to pop 1600 of them to get to 1LBs (1LBs = .5Kg = 300mg/capsules * 1600 capsules). And if you pop 6 at each helping, and do this 4 times a day (24/day), then it would take you 66days to get the 1LBs down. Taking bacteria by the half-tablespoon or quarter-tablespoon per helping (for example, mixed with a little plain yogurt) is good to. If one gets diarrhea, they need to reduce dosage, however, if no side-effects appear, large doses are considered safe. One often takes bacteria in-between meals, since stomach acid can sometimes kill it before it affixes to the small intestine wall. Heat kills the bacteria as well, therefore it is recommended that you purchase it from a health food store that keeps it in a refrigerator; otherwise, you do not know what you are buying and popping. Goat yogurt and kefir milk contain healthy bacteria and are very effective at dealing with poison gut gas, especially when one ingests a quart a day.
I am concurrently going to start butyrate enemas because butyrate kills the filamentous/hyphal form of yeast.
Ill start this tomorrow.
Time to Nuke the MFers once and for all.
Then, Ill only have the Mycoplasma left to deal with.