I had my first Remicade infusion on 5/31/2013 and it went great. I was a bit tired afterward, but I blame that on the premeds. The day after the infusion (Saturday) I felt perfectly fine too, and I spent all day at the driving range. However, on Sunday I felt like I had been hit by a truck. I would describe the feeling as a pretty nasty hangover. Headache, weakness, nausea, and overall general malaise. It has now nearly been a week since my infusion and I am still feeling a bit weak and tired and I haven't had much of an appetite. I am in good physical shape - I lift weights and do cardio 3-4 times a week usually even when flaring. All this week I haven't had the energy to go to the gym, and I get downright dizzy when I climb a flight of stairs. I seem to be sucking wind all the time.
I've read the brochures explaining the symptoms/signs of a reaction and dizziness and malaise generally present themselves as symptoms during the infusion or directly afterwards. So I am confused as to why I felt super on Saturday if this is just the Remicade. Do you guys thing this can this likely be attributed to my infusion last week? If any of you have experienced similar symptoms, when did yours subside? My second loading dose is scheduled for the 14th of this month and I'm concerned that if I am having somewhat of a reaction now I will make it worse by piling on more Remicade. I would mention it to my doctor, but I am assuming that we can't necessarily attribute my feelings to the Remicade plus it seems to have really helped my UC after only one dose and it's not like I am dying or anything.